Crosscheck Chats

  • Sit and Reflect

    We must sit still long enough for the water of our lives to be warmed by the sun so it in turn can warm others. We must sit still long enough for that water to reflect the glorious sky. Otherwise they will just see rushing water, which can be beautiful, but it reflects nothing.
  • Is Your Ash Showing? Crosscheck it!

    “You remind me of the girl who plays guitar from the movie Sing,” said a friend as I was rushing through the front lobby at church. I so wanted to stop and chat but that possibility was brief at best. The front lobby was packed full of happy people greeting each other. There were so many joyful faces. I, however, was on a mission, trying to avoid conversations and not join them as I was with a girl who was in a crisis moment and not at all ready for a joyful greeting. It was her first time coming and she just wanted to get somewhere quiet and cry. 
  • Trick or Truth?

    We have entered into a period of time where we are in a war for truth. 

  • Voiceless? Crosscheck It!

    I had to crosscheck what I was experiencing, or what my perceptions were, against who He really is.
  • Adventure

    Adventure is a word I’ve always had such positive feelings about. Someone says, “let’s go on an adventure” or declares, “what an adventure!”. These...
  • God Keeps His Promises. Crosscheck It!

      “Blessed is she who believed, for there will be a fulfillment of those things which were told to her from the Lord.” Luke 1:45 I had just gotten...
  • The "If"s of Insanity

    What if God called me to climb this cliff? What if what's at the top is worth the climb?
  • Fake? Crosscheck It!

      “Jesus invites us to gather around Him as He tells captivating stories about a better life, a bigger life, and a greater love.” A quote from, Bo...
  • What The Smell? Crosscheck It!

    For we are to God the pleasing aroma of Christ among those who are being saved and those who are perishing. 2 Corinthians 2:15 Have you ever tak...
  • Need Help? Crosscheck It!

      My two youngest were sitting at the dinner table together. Aiden was talking to Garnet and I wasn’t paying much attention. Then all of a sudden ...
  • Fear? Crosscheck it!

    We know what He has called us to and we’re going to run to the One who has called us forward. It’s not going to be easy but it’s going to be worth it.
  • Complicated? Crosscheck It!

    Your word is a lamp to guide my feet and a light for my path.  Psalm 119:105 It was pretty late in the day. It was a workday, I had just done m...