The "If"s of Insanity

I've been meditating a lot this week on where my faith in God is. In so many areas, my faith is strong, and it's so easy to trust Him. Then there are those other areas. You know, those areas that pop up and look impossible to climb. The thoughts start coming, "what if, what if, what if…?" "if this happens, then this could happen." If this, then this. If, if, if. But none of this is reality… yet. 

Our minds race and take our thoughts on what could be a never-ending, debilitating rollercoaster of a ride that often causes us to get stuck, like the Cliffs of Insanity in the movie The Princess Bride. We look up and can't even see the top of the cliff because it's just so high it's hidden in the clouds. That's high. That gives me butterflies just thinking about it. Can you imagine doing that climb with or without a rope? Either way, there's no safety line. Just certain death if you fall. I wake up each day with what must be an ulcer. I'm living in a fetal position, not knowing what I'm going to do. I want to stay in bed, pull the covers over my head and wish it all away. Can you relate at all? The "what ifs" we are guessing about. The cliffs we are guessing what the top looks like. We want to break through the clouds and get a glimpse of what's on the other side. 

The Holy Spirit brought me to a beautiful realization that we all too often breeze over. Many of you have heard it a hundred times but have you ever fully internalized it and made it part of who you are? "If God is for us, who can ever be against us?" I think we often get half the gospel and forget the other half. Christ took our sin on the cross. Not just our sin, our disposition for sin, our heredity of sin. That's HUGE!!!!! That's His unending mercy. He took away what we rightly deserve. BUT (I love big buts), the other part is He GAVE us His heredity. Through Him, we are a NEW creation, a new species, if you will. That's the grace part. ALL things have been made new. Now that's amazing grace!!! If He did all that, went through all He did, and defeated death, why should we ever stand in doubt and fear? He is in us, for us, with us, and moving through us. So, when you walk up to what seems to be an insurmountable obstacle, believe the Father is on your side and about to show you something about His mighty power. Walk with confidence and be steadfast in your faith (I'm talking to me too, boy, am I talking to me right now). Persevere! He's got your back. Don't ever forget what the enemy wanted to use to harm your God will use it to propel you into the next thing He has for you... because He's awesome like that. 

Push forward with courage, undeterred. You are a child of the Most High, Creator of all things. He's got you! Romans 8:31 says, "If God is for us, who can ever be against us?"

So let's try this again. What if you stop looking at the cliff and start looking at the One who has the strength to hoist you up the side of it. What if you stop living in the paralyzing fear of the "what ifs"? Change the thought process and flip it on its head. Change the question. What if God called me to climb this cliff? What if what's at the top is worth the climb? Don't miss what's at the top! Push forward! Motion accompanies miracles. You can't expect a miracle laying in bed with the covers over your head. God can do anything, but I want to encourage you, get up and climb. Claim His promises. Face that what if. Face that giant. David had no idea what was waiting for him on the side of his face off with Goliath. Regardless he ran toward that giant based on his confidence in God, the Lord of heaven's army. Face whatever it is that's staring you down and" have fun storming the castle." It may take a miracle, but thank goodness we serve a God of miracles, and He is for you. 

So remember, when you face that cliff of the "if". Crosscheck It!

"No Reserves, No Retreats, No Regrets." - William Borden

God is good all the time. And all the time, God is good.