Let's get Undignified.

It's time to get a little undignified and show the world Christ-followers are not boring. It's time to rage against the beige and show your colors. He made you different, get used to it. There's only one you. As a believer, He deposited something in you that only you can bring to this world. Sometimes it's hard to be vulnerable and show who we really are but I promise, it's worth it!

Jesus was so different. He was seen as undignified, even blasphemous so many times. What made Him so different? He walked in the truth, He spoke the truth, He was the truth incarnate. The religious hated Him for it. Did He care? Nope. I'm sure it broke His heart, but, He kept on walking. He called them out on their crap and He kept moving forward. He did not let offense, betrayal or anything for that matter distract him from the people He came to save. 

It's time to get undignified. As our youngest says, "bring out your inner weirdness"! In 2 Samuel 6 David danced and worshipped before the Lord and offended even his wife in his nakedness. It's time for the wild worshippers to come forward. I'm not saying you need to get naked, but let's let go and truly be wild in our worship. In the process, show this world they are loved! It's time for a love revolution. It's time for the righteous rebels to rise and show their faces. It's time to speak the truth regardless of the backlash from those who call themselves Christ followers. Jesus, NEVER backed down.

Get ready to offend some people who need to get shaken out of their slumber. You scared? Don't be.

Let's get undignified! Get used to it.